Francisco Cota Fagundes
Elected Vice-President of Portal das Comunidades. Regional Government of the Azores.
Reader for tenure and promotion decision cases from approximately a dozen universities.
Reader for several university presses, including Stanford, and Kentucky.
Member editorial board of 12 literary reviews, including Gávea-Brown (Brown University), Portuguese Literary & Cultural Studies (University of Massachusetts Dartmouth), Santa Barbara Portuguese Studies (University of California, Santa Barbara), and Metamorfoses (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro).
Organizer (with Teresa Alves and Teresa Cid, University of Lisbon, and Irene Maria F. Blayer, Brock University, Ontario, Canada) of International Conference Narrating the Portuguese Diáspora: 1928-2008, held at the University of Lisbon, Portugal, October 23-25, 2008.
Organizer International colloquium Jorge de Sena Cá e Lá: Novas Perspectivas, 20 Anos Depois, held at the University of Massachusetts Amherst April 25-26, 2008.
Organizer and moderator of session with grad students from Spanish and Portuguese Umass Amherst at Symposium on Portuguese Traditions, UCLA, April 2006.
Co-organizer Congresso Internacional de Narrativa Oral/International Conference on Storytelling, Centro de Congressos de Angra do Heroísmo, Terceira, Azores, Portugal, June 2005.
Organizer of Tudo Isto Que Rodeia Jorge de Sena: An International Colloquium, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Spring 2001.
Organizer International Colloquium on Miguel Torga, Umass Amherst, October 1992.
Organizer International Colloquium on Jorge de Sena, UMass/Amherst, October 1988.
Co-organizer and chair of session on Portuguese Literature, Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, April 1987.
Organizer and chair of session on Programs Abroad in Portuguese-speaking countries, Conference on American Academic Programs Abroad, University of Nebraska, 1980.
Organizer and chair of Portuguese Language and Linguistics session, AATSP, San Juan, 1980.
Organizer and chair of Luso-Brazilian Literature, Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, 1980.
Organizer and chair of Luso-Brazilian session, Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, 1980.
Co-organizer and chair Portuguese session, I Symposium on the Essay in the Hispanic World, UMass/Amherst, 1979.